Tuesday 19 April 2011

The first night!

Hope comes home!

So at 9.45 this morning, we arrived at the foster carers house to pick up our little girl and take her home - for good!

We knew this would be a sweet moment but would also be difficult at the same time.

It all went pretty quickly, the foster carers visibly finding it hard - they were happy tears but it was time to say goodbye to this little girl they had cared for from birth. Caring for children is evidently more than just a job for these guys. They have loved our little girl and treated her like one of their own. Hope could not have been in a better place for the last 16 months. The care she has received is obvious which is why it was an emotional time. We have grown fond of this family and we, as did they, expressed our affection for them when leaving. We are so grateful for these guys.

So there were a lot of tears! But here we are. A new start for Hope; the past remains but now a new chapter in her little life begins. We have many hopes for this little girl - the greatest that she would come to know and love the Saviour.

After a busy day, Hope was very tired this evening. She did not enjoy bath time and cried a lot going to bed. In fact, at the time of writing this (7pm), she is still crying her little eyes out. She is shattered and this is going to be a big change for her to adjust to. She was also feeling under the weather this morning when she woke up - think she may have some teeth coming through (or that this week has completely exhausted her). Please pray that she would settle quickly and she would feel secure in her new environment.

We love this little girl so much, she has brought us so much joy in such a short period of time. Alfie and Ryley love her already!

Thanks for messages, grateful for family and good friends.

Will post a few updates to let you know how she gets on and upload some pics as she meets family. But hopefully it won't be long until many of you meet Hope!

Monday 18 April 2011

Today's Pics!

The night before!

So we finally have it confirmed, our little girl is coming home tomorrow!

Tomorrow is going to be an emotional day - taking this little girl away from all she has known to new beginnings. It is one of the hardest things we've ever done (taking them away), especially when there is such a bond with the foster family.

That aside, tomorrow is going to be such a wonderful today - welcoming Hope into our family, something that God has had planned; every step we've taken, every delay, every trial, has been planned by a sovereign God - all according to His plan, not ours. We are grateful and humbled that God has allowed us this privilege of adopting Hope.

Today we had a family trip out to Dan yr Ogof caves/dinosaur park. It was great to be able to do something the boys would love, it's been a long week or so for them. Hope seemed to have fun too! Time went pretty quickly and we had a lovely time in glorious sunshine.

We then took our baby back for the very last time!! Tomorrow we take her to her new home! We plan to get her at 10am and say our goodbyes.

Will let you know how it goes tomorrow! Please pray for Hope; life changes for her tomorrow. Please also pray that the foster family would find tomorrow ok, it can't be easy for them.

So this is it! Very real! Very near! Love it!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Quiet day

No real update today... Hope came to us at 11am with her foster carer and was taken back at 1pm.

This has allowed the foster carer and family to spend the afternoon together and say goodbyes...

We have one more day of visiting left (subject to the review meeting tomorrow)! We will spend the day out and about near Swansea tomorrow as a family and then say goodbye to her one last time before she comes home for good!

Will update tomorrow once the review meeting has taken place.

Enjoying a chilled out Sunday afternoon together - the last Sunday afternoon as 4...

Saturday 16 April 2011

Today's Pics!

Strength for Today

After a tough day yesterday, we have continued to know the love and grace of God in it all. We were reminded of the following by a good friend this morning:

"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow faint or weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength." Isaiah 40:28-31

Well today was the day when Hope visited her new home and we think she liked it, well, some of it...!

Going to her bed for a nap (having none of it!) and bath time aside, she seemed really comfortable and enjoyed crawling around inquisitively, checking her new home out.

She enjoyed playing around in the garden and the boys enjoyed taking her to the local sweet shop.

We then had to take her back to her foster carers for 7pm. It was really sweet that she didn't change on the way she was with us when she was back in her usual environment - she still wanted our attention and hugs.

She cried as we were saying goodbye - not exactly sure why but no doubt it's all a bit confusing now. Not long to go now - we just need to get through these next few days. The plan is to pick Hope up on Tuesday morning and bring her home for good. Her bags have been packed and handed over to us, it's feeling very real right now. Exciting and emotional times!

We have now clocked 1200 miles and are feeling tired yet when we have felt really tired and worn out, we feel we have been given strength and grace for the moment - again testament to God's goodness to us. "Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow - great is thy faithfulness!"

On the way home this evening, we were reflecting on our three children, their own adoption journeys and their different personalities! Just so grateful for them - they bring us so much joy, each in their unique way!